Definition of Water scooter

1. Noun. A motorboat resembling a motor scooter.

Exact synonyms: Scooter, Sea Scooter
Generic synonyms: Motorboat, Powerboat
Derivative terms: Scoot

Definition of Water scooter

1. Noun. A recreational watercraft that the rider rides or stands on, rather than inside of, as in a boat. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Water Scooter

water purslane
water qualm
water rabbit
water radish
water rail
water rails
water rat
water rats
water rattler
water repellent
water repellents
water right
water rocket
water sapphire
water sapphires
water scooter
water scooters
water scorpion
water scorpions
water shamrock
water shield
water shrew
water shrews
water sign
water signs
water skater
water ski
water skied
water skiing
water skin

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